Big Bee, Little Bee Build-a-Straw Reusable Silicone Straws
Our completely unique straws make it easy to go plastic-free! Each straw contains 4 sections—3 straight and 1 angled—so you can create any straw height you like, to accommodate any size cup or bottle! And they come apart making them easy to take on-the-go and very easy to clean. Our starter set also includes two travel pouches to keep them contained when you’re out and about, and keep your clean straws separate from your used straws.
Standard Includes:
6 Straws (1 red, 1 orange, 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 blue, 1 purple)
2 Travel Pouches (1 “All Clean” + 1 "Wash Me”)
1 Straw Cleaner
Standard Includes:
6 Straws (1 red, 1 orange, 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 blue, 1 purple)
2 Travel Pouches (1 “All Clean” + 1 "Wash Me”)
1 Straw Cleaner
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